내장지방 및 피하지방 면적과 인슐린 민감성 지표들과의 상관관계 |
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Relation between visceral & subcutaneous abdominal fat area and insulin sensitivity indices |
Ji Hyon Kim, Ji Hyeon Moon, Hyeon Ju Kim, Mi Hee Kong |
Abstract |
Obesity is associated with complications such as hyperlipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, hypertension and cardiovascular
diseases. We studied the relation of visceral & subcutaneous abdominal fat area and insulin sensitivity indices in nondiabetics
Korean adults. This is a cross-sectional study by 204 patients who visited a Health Promotion Center of one
hospital. We analyzed the association of anthropometry(waist circumference, BMI), visceral & subcutaneous fat by abdominal
fat CT, insulin sensitivity or resistance indices(HOMA-IR, QUICKI, 1/insulin, Glucose/insulin), and plasma concentrations of
lipid profiles. We found that in men, VFA and VSR have a negative correlation with Insulin sensitivity indices(QUICKI, 1/fasting
insulin, G/I ratio) and a positive correlation with cholesterol and HOMA-IR. In women, we found that VFA and VSR have a
negative correlation with HDL-cholesterol and QUICKI and positive correlation with triglyceride and HOMA-IR. After adjusted
for age, BMI and waist circumference, we found that only in men, VFA and VSR have a negative correlation with Insulin
sensitivity index(QUICKI, 1/fasting insulin, G/I ratio). As shown above, in men, Visceral fat & visceral fat/subcutaneous fat
ratio are related strongly to Insulin resistance and sensitiviyt index. |
Key Words:
Visceral fat, Subcutaneous fat, Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance |