의사소통기술과 환자의사관계에 대한 학생들의 자가 평가의 연관성 |
Correlations between Self-Assessment of Communication Skills and Patient-Physician Interaction in Medical Students |
Woo Jeong Kim |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to identify the correlations between medical students’ self-assessment of communication
skills and patient-physician interaction. A total of 36 fourth-year medical students were enrolled in this study and were
surveyed concerning communication skills during clinical performance examination. The survey included 20 items in four
categories: beginning an interview (greeting, identification, introduction, attention, and chief complaint), gathering information
(open question, reflection, facilitation, clarification, and summarizing), giving information (discovering the patient’s
understanding, empathy, easy terms, checking of understanding, and giving opportunities), and non-verbal communication
(neat features, listening, eye contact, nodding, and silence). 20 items of communication skills were modulated to five patientphysician
interaction items, and compared with patient-physician interaction scores by self-assessment. There were no
correlations between communication skills and patient-physician interaction scores except one item, making an efforts to
understand patient’s situation. This study demonstrated that medical education of communication skills could not be
transferred to improvement of patient-physician interaction in clinical skills assessment. |
Key Words:
Communication, Medical education, Clinical skills |