암 환자의 응급 입원에 대한 현황 및 적절성 |
강영준1,2, 허정식1,2 |
1제주대학교 의과대학 응급의학교실 2제주대학교 의과대학 비뇨기과학교실 |
Appropriateness of emergency admission of cancer patients admission |
Young-Joon Kang1,2, Jung-Sik Huh1,2 |
1Department of Emergency medicine, Jeju National University SchooI medicine, Jeju, Korea 2Department of Urology, Jeju National University School medicine, Jeju, Korea |
Young-Joon Kang, Email: jedarm@jejunu.ac.kr |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the appropriateness of emergency admission of cancer patients and to make a policy of emergency department for diagnosing and treating of cancer patients.
This study was undertaken of all cancer patients who visited during period from Jan. 1. 2007 to Dec. 31. 2008. ER records were reviewed retrospectively and ER doctor evaluated patients reason for appropriateness of emergency admission. 303 cancer patients were admitted via emergency department. 273 patients were visited by the will of patients or guardians 21 patients were transferred by the other hospital and 9 patients were referred from outpatients department. 224 patients were received the drug for pain control. Most common complaints were pain(30.4%), dyspnea(11.9%), general weakness(9.6%), fever(8.6%), mental change(7.3%), hemorrhage(5.3%), vomiting(4.3%), dysuria(3.D%), abdominal distension(2.0%). 284 patients were evaluated as appropriate. Below the age 50 and male patients referred by outpatient department were considered as statistically significant.(P=0.016)
303 cancer patients visited to emergency department of Jeju National University Hospital complained pain, dyspnea, general weakness and 224 patients were received pain killer. Appropriateness of emergency admission were high but admissions in case of young age(below 50) and male patients referred by outpatients department were inappropriate. |
Key Words:
neoplasm; cancer patients; emergency admission; appropriateness |