대장암의 복수와 이차원전기영동 검사 |
장원영 |
제주대학교 의학전문대학원 외과학교실 |
Examination of Colorectal Cancer Patient's Asciter by 2D-Electrophoresis |
Weon-young Chang |
Department of Surgery, Jeju National University School of Medicine, Jeju, Korea |
Weon-young Chang, Email: orkorea@jejune.ac.kr |
Abstract |
Cellular signaling pathways are changed by genetic aberrations which result in many diseases. These changes can be detected as altered cellular protein profiles in the body fluid. The tissue interstitial fluid (TIF) is the major target for clinical chemistry to quantitatively detect these changed protein profiles using modern proteomic techniques. But the limitation is the marked 1000-1500- fold dilution of body fluid proteins, during their passage from TIF to the circulatory system. Here, we use ascites to find out the possibility as a sample of TIF. This method can be used to understand colorectal cancer patients and utilized to design protein biomarkers for early detection of disease. |
Key Words:
Colorectal Cancer; Ascites; 2D-Electrophoresis |