수명 치근 파절 |
김성준 |
제주대학교 의학전문대학원 치과학교실 |
Treatment of horizontal root fracture |
Sung Joon Kim |
Departmenl of Dentistry, Jeju National University School of Medicine, Jeiu, Korea |
Sung Joon Kim, Email: samuelsj@empal.com |
Abstract |
Root fractures are defined as those that involve cementum, dentin and pulp, comprising from 0.5 to 7% of injuries in permanent dentition on maxillofacial trauma. Diagnosis is made through clinical and radiographic exams, the latter frequently being Iimited by the position of the fracture line. Treatment varies according to the displacement and vitality of the fragments. Author describes three clinical cases of maxillary right central incisor with horizontal root fractures in dental clinic, Jeju National University Hospital. |
Key Words:
Root fracture,Dental trauma,Injury,Incisor,Treatment |