법의부검을 통해 확인된 내인사의 통계적 분석 |
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Statistical Analysis of Natural Deaths Confirmed by Medicolegal Autopsy |
You Ju Lee, Kim Soo Kyung, Hyun Wook Kang |
Abstract |
Some cases of natural deaths often come under the scrutiny of medicolegal investigation because of their sudden and
unexpected nature of onset. To know current status of natural sudden deaths occurred in Jeju, authors analyzed natural
deaths autopsied in Jeju National University during 2011-2013. All subjects were reviewed with respect to age, sex and
cause of death.
The results were as follows:
1. The total number of unusual deaths autopsied was 256, of thsee 105 cases(29.5%) were natural death.
2. Male/female ratio was 2.9:1.
3. The male group of age in forties and fifties occupied 42.9%o f total natural deaths.
4. Ischemic heart disease was the leading cause of natural detahs(26.7%).
5. Deaths due to vascular and digestive origin were 19(18.1%) a nd 27(25.7%), respectively.
6. Natural deaths of ill-defined cause were 10 cases(9.5%) |
Key Words:
Natural death, Sudden, Autopsy, Medicolegal |